2021-03-18, 블룸버그
The Fed signals near-zero rates at least through 2023. The WHO endorses AstraZeneca's Covid vaccine. Chinese wireless communications companies are being deemed a security risk to the U.S.
- Fed는 2023년까지 제로금리 하겠다함.
- WHO 는 AstraZeneca's Covid vaccine 지지함
- 중국 무선 통신 회사는 미국 보안 위험으로 간주됨
Dovish Fed
The Federal Reserve continues to the project near-zero interest rates at least through 2023, despite an upgraded U.S. economic outlook and the mounting inflation worries in financial markets. Officials see inflation settling back after the jump this year and Powell added there is no need to react to the rising U.S. Treasury yields. The Fed's decision, which came on a volatile day for investors, masked a growing number of officials who saw liftoff before then — though Powell stressed this remains a minority view. Yields have risen sharply in the past month as the economic outlook has improved amid accelerated vaccinations and $1.9 trillion in fresh fiscal aid.
- 인플레이션 우려가 높아지고 있음
- Powell은 소수의견이라함, 미국 국채 수익률에 대응 필요 없다 함
- 밴식접종과 1조9천억 달러의 재정지원 하면서 국채 수익률이 급격히 올랐음
Stocks to Gain
U.S. shares reacted positively to the Fed's dovish tone and most Asian stocks looked poised to climb Thursday, with futures up in Japan and Hong Kong, and little changed in Australia.. The S&P 500 rose to a fresh record and the Dow Jones Industrial Average also closed at an all-time high. Yields on shorter-dated Treasuries eased from earlier highs amid rising expectations of more aggressive rate hike projections. Longer-dated yields also fell, with the 10-year pulling back from 169% and the 30-year subsiding from its highest levels since 2019. The dollar weakened versus most major peers.
- 연준의 이야기에 주식시장은 긍정적으로 반응했고, 상승세를 이어갈것으로 봄
- S&P 500 은 신기록, 다운존스 산업 평균도 상승해서 사상최고치 마감
- 단기국채수익률 전고점에서 완화
- 장기수익률 하락하여 10년이 169%에서 하락, 30년은 2019년 대비 최고 하락
- 달러 약세 이어짐
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