인플레이션 우려
- 코로나 유행에 따라 각국에서 많은 통화량을 발행한 상태로, 버블과 인플레이션 우려가 크다. 최근, 백신과 짧은 시일내 경제 회복에 대한 기대가 커지면서, 인플레이션, 금리상승에 대한 예측이 많아지던 중, 수요일 발표로 인하여, 미국 주식은 크게 올랐다. 블룸버그에서 정리한 내용을 보자.
The Federal Reserve on Wednesday pushed aside predictions of looming inflation that have been emanating from some quarters. The central bank said it’s continuing to project near-zero interest rates at least through 2023.
While the Fed upgraded its economic outlook and acknowledged some officials see rates rising sooner, Chair Jerome Powell stressed that this was the minority view. Any bump in inflation this year, the Fed said, will be short-lived. Stocks hit a new record. — David E. Rovella
- 아직 파티는 끝나지 않았나보다. 그러면 2023년 이후로는 어떻게 될 것인가?
- 2023까지 이 말은 지켜질 것인가?
Here are today’s top stories
Good news for U.S. taxpayers:
The Internal Revenue Service is moving back the April 15 deadline for taxes, though this year’s extension will be a shorter than last year’s. With new exemptions provided under the latest coronavirus bailout package, the delay will give taxpayers additional breathing room in what is becoming one of the most complicated tax seasons in decades.
- 미국에서는 코로나 바이러스 구제 금융패키지 coronavirus bailout package 가 있는 모양
- 올해 세금 납부는 상당히 복잡할 것으로 예상 되고 있음
The $1,400 deposits from President Joe Biden’s $1.9 trillion rescue bill
The $1,400 deposits from President Joe Biden’s $1.9 trillion rescue bill began landing in American bank accounts Wednesday, ready to pay for groceries, rent and past-due bills.
Over at Robinhood, the embattled day-trader app simultaneously started offering bonuses to investors who deposit any spare cash they may have lying around. Robinhood said the timing was a coincidence.
- 한 집당 1400 달러를 지급하고, 미국 정부 예산은 1조 9천억 달러
- 식료품, 임대료, 연체-청구서(past-due bills)에 사용
- 로빈후드, 데이-트레이더 앱은 동시에 여분의 현금을 입근하는 투자자에게 보너스를 제공하기 시작했는데, 구조지원금 받아서 넣으라고 보일까봐, 타이밍이 우연일 뿐이라고 설명함.
higher taxes under a new bill
U.S. companies that pay their chief executives at least 50 times more than the typical employee would face higher taxes under a new bill being pushed by Senators Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren.
- Senators Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren 상원의원 버니샌더슨과 엘리자베스 워렌
- 새로운 법안 : 최고경영자에게 일반직원보다 50배 이상의 많은 돈을 지불하는 회사는 세금을 높임
green space, they would get $4
For these rich folks, it probably seemed like a sure thing. For every $1 they invested in partnerships promising to preserve green space, they would get $4 in charitable deductions they could shave off their taxes. But those deals may have cheated the Internal Revenue Service out of $250 million, and its agents are not amused. Said one federal prosecutor: “The IRS hates these things.”
자세하게는 맥락을 몰라서 이해는 안되는 기사
- 녹지공간을 보존하겠다고 약속한 파트너쉽에 1달러 투자할때마다 4달러 세금을 공제 받을 수 있는 거래가, 2억 5천만 달러, 국세청을 속였다.
- IRS 는 뭔가?
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