Stronger Stocks 더 강한 주식
Asian stocks were set to open stronger Tuesday as optimism about the economic recovery drove U.S. shares to a record-high close. *Long-term Treasury yields edged lower. **Futures pointed higher in Japan, Australia and Hong Kong. The S&P 500 Index gained for a fifth-straight trading session, led by the utilities and real estate sectors, while Apple, Tesla and Facebook led the tech-heavy Nasdaq 100 higher. Oil slipped, the dollar ticked higher and Bitcoin ***eased back from a weekend rally that propelled the cryptocurrency above $61,000.
* Long-term Treasury yields 장기국채수익률
** Futures 선물
*** eased back 물러서다
부동산과 유틸리티 주도하는 5-번째 연속 거래 세션에서 S&P 500 Index 이 상승. 결국 산업이 돌아가면, 땅이 더 중요해지나? 4차 산업 시기에도? 미국은 지금의 버블을 어떻게 탈출하려할까?
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Companies Leading the Rise of Cybersecurity
If we’re lucky, cybersecurity can feel like an afterthought – something working in the background. This perception confronts the reality that with an ever-growing number of online threats, the cybersecurity theme is driven by dozens of highly innovative companies. We recently profiled four of the key players.
Global X ETFs
블룸버그 유료 결제하고 싶은 기사다. 여하튼 사이버 보안이 중요하고, 그 중에 4개 업체를 추려냈다는건데, 이건, 유료결제말고, 그냥 한번 섹터 공부로 찾아봐야겠다.
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