Struggle With Sexism 성 차별과의 투쟁
Thousands of people rallied in cities across Australia on Monday, angered by the government’s handling of rape allegations in Parliament House, and its refusal to hold an inquiry into separate historical claims the attorney-general sexually assaulted a woman. The women and men who took to the streets hope that the high-profile cases will force Australia to a turning point where it takes serious steps to tackle sexual harassment — a stain that bleeds well beyond political life. By one estimate, workplace sexual harassment costs the country some A$3.5 billion ($2.7 billion) a year.
호주에서 수천명이 시위를 했음. 이유는 법부장관이 여성을 성폭행한 역사적인 주장에 대해서, 국회의사당이 조사를 거부한 것에 분노했다고 함.
Parliament House 국회의사당 attorney-general 법무 장관
굉장한 성추문인건 확실한데, 더 놀라운건 호주에서 직장 내 성희롱으로 인해 약 35억달러 정도 한해 비용이 발생한다는게 놀라움.
'경제' 카테고리의 다른 글
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