[COVID-19,2021-03]영국 아스트라제네카 백신 유럽 사용 중단
2021-03-16, 블룸버그
Vaccine Halts 백신 중단
Europe’s biggest countries, including Germany and France,suspended use of**AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine amid growingconcerns about possible side effects from the first two batches.**Italy, Spain, the Netherlands, Ireland and Portugalhave alsosuspended use of the shot. The move is a U-turn for some countries that had previously said inoculations should continue while the issue was investigated. U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnsonhasdefended the vaccineandthe European Medicines Agencysaid its benefits continue tooutweighthe risks. Meanwhile, Biden's administration is stockpiling the shot, which is not yet approved in the U.S.
- 중단 국가 : 독일, 프랑스, 이탈리아, 스페인, 네덜란드, 아일랜드, 포르투갈
- 옹호 : 보리스 존슨 영국총리 와 유럽 약물 협회
- 미국 : 아직 승인은 안났지만, 비축중 stockpiling
- 세간에 떠도는 소문에는, '영국'제 백신이라서 유럽에서 배척 당한다는 이야기도 있음.
suspended use of the shot : 주사를 중단하다
itsbenefits continue tooutweighthe risks : 위험보다 이득이 더 크다
2021-03-18, 블룸버그
The infighting over coronavirus vaccine distribution in Europe is getting worse. European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen threatened to withhold vaccine exports to the U.K., where almost half of all adults have gotten a shot.
In Japan, Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga aims to lift a state of emergency in the Tokyo region by March 21. And Anthony Fauci, the top U.S. infectious disease doctor, warned that dangerous variants continue to threaten progress his country has made in reducing cases and immunizing the population. Here is the latest on the pandemic.
- European Commission President : Ursula von der Leyen
- Japan, Prime MinisterYoshihide Suga
- the top U.S. infectious disease doctor : Anthony Fauci
- 영국은 성인 절반이 백신을 맞아서, 유럽위원회(EC)에서는 영국으로 백신 수출 금지하겠다 위협
- 일본은 도쿄지역 비상상황을 2021-03-21 까지 해지할 계획
- 미국은 변종 바이러스가 퍼지고 있어서 걱정